Hostage Survival

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Any traveler could become a hostage. The odds of that happening are extremely low when the number of travelers is compared to the number of people that have actually become a hostage. However, there is always that slim chance that … Continued

Driving Abroad

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  Obtain an International Drivers Permit (IDP). This can be purchased through your Auto Club. Have your passport photos and a completed application. There will be a fee involved. Carry both your IDP and your state driver’s license with you … Continued

Becoming a Target

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Any person traveling abroad on business should be aware of the fact that they could be targeted by an intelligence agency, security service, criminals or, for that matter, a competitor if they are knowledgeable of, or carrying, sensitive or proprietary … Continued

Personal Conduct Overseas

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Hostile or even friendly authorities are always on the lookout for sources who are vulnerable to coercion, addictions, greed or emotional manipulation. To eliminate, or at least diminish, the possibility of your doing something inadvertent that would bring your activities … Continued